Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Me, metrosexuality and Gay America

Ah yes, I sit here people typing this blog as a man who is COMPLETELY comfortable with himself. Some people may not be comfortable with who they are and that is a shame. Maybe one day you will be, but until you do, don't put down anyone or anything else. Being gay in this country has never been more accepted than it is now, in my opinion. Some may say that being gay, especially among the younger generation, is the "in" thing right now. I hope that isn't the case and they are just claiming to be gay just because it's cool or they want to get back at society. That just defeats the whole purpose.

Now, I am a person who is open to anyone and anything. Well, let me try that again. I am open to anyone who is proud of whatever and whomever they are, gay, straight, bi..whatever. I have many straight friends, gay and bi friends and I treat none of them differently. I even go to gay male and lesbian bars on occasion to hang with my friends. Now, when some of my straight friends here this, the ones who have a problem with homosexuality, they are disgusted and can't believe that I go to those kind of places. Again, I don't get mad, it's their opinion, even though I don't agree with it, I respect it. Going to these clubs is a totally different scene, but my thinking is they are having a good time, who gives a fuck about their sexual orientation. I have been hit on many times in the gay bars that I've gone to and have politely stated that I was a straight man.

To my friends and others who have a problem with homosexuality, could it be you are hiding something really deep in your psyche? That you despise the very thing you are trying to repress? I am in no way a doctor or psychologist, but it seems that may be the case with some of these people. Is being gay something that develops over time or are you born gay? I have no freakin' clue and won't even attempt to tackle that question...no one truly knows. What I know is, do what makes you happy and forget about what other people think. Life is too short to be worried about them and their opinions. As long as you aren't hurting anyone emotionally or physically.

Which brings me to metrosexual. The definition of metrosexual is:

n. A man (esp. a heterosexual man) whose lifestyle, spending habits and concern for personal appearance are likened to those considered typical of a fashionable, urban, homosexual man.

Now, judging by the above definition, I am a metrosexual. Granted, my whole lifestyle nor my entire spending habits are controlled by it, but I am concerned alot with my appearance and how I come across to people when I am in public. Do I go all out with the manicures and facials and so forth, no, well at least not yet :), but you never know. I think I will consider myself a part-time metrosexual. I think a man should take pride in his appearance and not have people think just because he does, he's gay..that's stupid. So fellas, who's with me on this metrosexual thing? Anyone? Any of you brave enough to tell the world, I AM A METROSEXUAL!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.