We all know that the world of politics is dog eat dog and isn't for the faint of heart. Constant character attacks, personal attacks, highs, lows and everything in between...but what the Republican party has done in the past 10 years is a downright disgrace.
This is not to say that the Democratic party is not without it's faults, but the way the Republican party has used personal and character attacks in recent campaigns can not go overlooked. BarackObama was at a town hall a couple of days ago and while talking about John McCain and President Bush, he made the comment that you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. He was not referring to Governor Palin, but Bush and McCain. No more than an hour after he made this statement, McCain's camp fired back and wanted Obama to apologize for the so called sexist remark against Governor Palin. Almost as fast, they had an attack ad on the web called Lipstick.
It just cracks me up how they just splice a couple of clips together to make it seem one way when it actually isn't. This has Karl Rove written all over it. How can you support a party who looks to Karl Rove as an inspiration and leader. He should be in jail along with several other prominent Republicans, but guess who is helping them out, Bush.
I have to give it up to BarackObama for trying to turn the other cheek when it comes to gutter politics. But he has to remember what those gutter politics did to John Kerry and his bid for President in 2004. Questioning his military service just to cast doubt. John McCain is a hypocrite, a true hypocrite. I seem to remember a certain politician saying the exact same thing:
See what I am talking about? The Republican party seems to have forgotten about Senator McCain saying the same thing about Hillary Clinton's health care policy. He wasn't called a sexist or asked to apologize. The reason is because it's NOT a sexist or derogatory statement against women.
This has been a theme throughout the primaries and now the Presidential campaign. Sexism and racism have reared their ugly heads and certain parties have chosen to play on these fears in order to gain support. Obama wants to keep racism and sexism out of this race, make it about the issues, but not the Republicans. You want to know why? When you don't have an answer for 8 years of this country losing all respect and the economy in the tank, you play on people's fears and try to divert their attention away from the real issues. The Republicans have even used these character and personal attacks against each other. Remember when McCain and Bush were going head to head for the Republican nomination years back and the Bush camp put out a story that McCain had fathered a black child? Are you serious? What the hell does that have to do with any of the important issues? Nothing. It's a diversion tactic. Get the news media and people around the water coolers talking about salacious gossip and not what is important.
John McCain likes to play a cool game. He says he is against negative campaigning and he seems genuine when he says it, yea right. Here is what McCain does. He will have his sheep float out an attack to the media and hours later, McCain will come back and say something like that has no place in politics... trying to make himself look like the good guy. Give me a break.
So, John McCain is the one who is going to defend women against sexism? Remember, this is the same person who made several disgusting jokes and cracks towards women.
Here is the bottom line people. I have no problem with anyone running for office. My thought is that McCain has chosen Governor Palin to try and sway some of the Hillary Clinton vote. We need to stop listening to the crap that Republican party is trying to hammer us with and pay attention to the issues. That is what the Republican party does not want. Ask yourself this question..
Which 8 years were better, the Clinton years or the Bush years? If you answer Bush, then you deserve 4 more years of what we have endured with George Bush. I feel sorry for you.